"Sanjeev Mishra From Humble Beginnings to Great Heights"

From humble roots, where dreams were born,

In fields of struggle, his spirit was worn.

With every brick, he built his way,

A life transformed, from clay to clay.


These lines aim to capture the spirit of sanjiv mishra who has risen from poverty to success and continues to use their influence and resources to make a positive impact in the community.


Sanjeev Mishra stood on the rooftop of a newly constructed high-rise building, gazing out over the sprawling cityscape of Purnia, the capital of Bihar. It was early morning, and the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the city. This moment, standing atop one of his company’s latest projects, was one Sanjeev cherished. It was a reminder of how far he had come from his humble beginnings and how much further he wanted to go.



The Humble Beginnings


Born in a small village in Bihar, Sanjeev grew up in a modest household where his father worked as a Factory staff in Ludhiana, and his mother was a homemaker. From a young age, Sanjeev was taught the value of hard work, integrity, and education. Though his family was not wealthy, they were rich in values, and these principles would guide Sanjiv throughout his life.


High School: He completed his high school education in Hariharpur, which was nearly 3km from his village 


Senior Secondary Education: He attended senior secondary school in Farbisganj(Aaria).


After completing his graduation from Purnia,With dreams larger than his circumstances, he moved to Delhi, Sanjeev Mishra took a job with Hindustan Times as finance assistant, after graduation he was promoted in the same and worked with many MNC like nokia and reliance, The real turning point in Sanjeev Mishra’s life came when he was attached with Sharma and associates with builder divisions where he used to manage financial consultancy and taxation part,

He was very much passionate about building and builder 

quickly became illusioned by the  of quality and ethics in the projects he worked on, which made him notable among builder lobby in Delhi 


But Sanjeev’s journey was not without challenges. In 2012-13, Delhi was hit by real-estate recession that devastated major parts of the real-estate, 


Building More Than Structures

Determined to bring about change, As his business flourished, Sanjeev did not forget where he came from. He was acutely aware of the struggles faced by those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and he made it his mission to give back to the community. Sanjeev decided to start his own company. In 2016, with just a handful of employees and a small office space in Purnia, he founded Panorama Group. His vision was clear: to create a real estate company that prioritized quality, integrity, and community over profits.


The early days were tough. There were times when Sanjeev wondered if he had made the right decision. The real estate market was competitive, and gaining the trust of clients was not easy. Many questioned whether this young man, with no financial backing and limited experience, could deliver on his lofty promises. But Sanjeev’s unwavering commitment to his values and his relentless pursuit of excellence soon began to pay off within next 2 years 


His first major project, a residential complex on the outskirts of Purnia, was a testament to what Panorama Group stood for.In the beginning he started three projects at the same time with 100% success rate,Sanjiv Mishra personally oversaw every aspect of the construction, from sourcing the highest quality materials to ensuring that every worker was treated with respect and fairness. His hands-on approach and dedication did not go unnoticed, and word quickly spread about the young builder who was different from the rest.


A Pillar of the Community


In a world that often focuses on wealth and power, Sanjeev Mishra reminds us of the true essence of greatness: to serve humanity with humility and compassion. His life is a shining example of how one person, with a heart full of empathy and a spirit of generosity, can transform not only their own destiny but also the lives of many others.


When the residential complex was finally completed, it was unlike anything the city had seen before. The buildings were not just structurally sound but aesthetically pleasing, with ample green spaces, community centers, and even a school. The complex became a model of sustainable and inclusive development, and soon, other developers in the region began to take notice.




A Legacy of Hope



As Panorama Group grew, so did Sanjeev’s reputation. He became known not just as a builder but as a visionary leader who genuinely cared about the communities he served. He made it a point to reinvest a portion of the company’s profits into local initiatives, such as building schools, like Panorama Public school and setting up healthcare centers like Panorama Hospital,He believed that a successful business was one that contributed to the welfare of society.


Under his leadership, Panorama Group expanded its portfolio to include commercial properties, shopping complexes, and even affordable housing projects. Each project was a reflection of Sanjeev’s commitment to quality and his desire to make a positive impact. Unlike many developers who focused solely on profit, Sanjeev saw each project as an opportunity to build something that would stand the test of time, something that would improve the lives of the people who lived and worked there.

A Voice for Youth and Education

In the years that followed, Panorama Group continued to grow, and Sanjeev’s influence extended beyond the realm of real estate. He became an advocate for sustainable development and affordable housing, often speaking at industry conferences and government forums. He believed that developers had a responsibility to the environment and to society and that profit should never come at the cost of ethics and values.






Today, Panorama Group is one of the most respected real estate companies in Bihar, known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and community development. Sanjeev Mishra’s journey from a small village in Bihar to the helm of a leading real estate company is a story of perseverance, integrity, and vision. It is a story that inspires countless others to believe that with hard work and a commitment to doing what is right, anything is possible.


As Sanjeev stood on the rooftop of his latest project, watching the sun rise over Patna, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. For Sanjeev Mishra, building was not just about bricks and mortar; it was about building a better future for all.



Written by:-


National convenor

Socio Political analysis and communication strategy