The Best Eco-Friendly Resorts in Chikmagalur

The Best Eco-Friendly Resorts in Chikmagalur

Embrace Sustainability with Eco-Friendly Resorts in Chikmagalur

In an era where sustainability is more important than ever, eco-friendly resorts offer travelers a way to enjoy their vacations without compromising the environment. Chikmagalur, with its lush greenery and rich biodiversity, is home to several eco-friendly resorts that prioritize sustainability while providing top-notch amenities and experiences. Here are some of the best eco-friendly resorts in Chikmagalur.

1. Java Rain Resorts: A Commitment to Nature

Java Rain Resorts is a shining example of eco-friendly luxury. This resort blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings, using sustainable materials and practices to minimize its environmental impact. The villas are designed to maximize natural light and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling. The resort also supports local communities and uses organic produce in its restaurant. Guests can enjoy guided nature walks, plantation tours, and wellness treatments at the eco-conscious Fika Spa.

2. The Green Pastures: A Sustainable Retreat

The Green Pastures is dedicated to preserving the environment while offering a comfortable and enjoyable stay. This resort utilizes solar energy, rainwater harvesting, and organic farming practices. The cottages are built using locally sourced materials, and the resort organizes various eco-friendly activities such as tree planting, bird watching, and nature trails. The on-site restaurant serves delicious organic meals, ensuring a wholesome and sustainable dining experience.

3. The Blossom Resort: Harmony with Nature

The Blossom Resort is committed to maintaining harmony with nature. This resort employs eco-friendly practices such as waste segregation, composting, and energy-efficient lighting. The resort also promotes eco-tourism by organizing activities like guided treks, wildlife safaris, and plantation visits. The well-appointed cottages provide a comfortable stay while minimizing environmental impact. The resort's restaurant focuses on local and organic cuisine, offering guests a taste of Chikmagalur's rich culinary heritage.


Choosing an eco-friendly resort in Chikmagalur allows you to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable stay while contributing to environmental conservation. These resorts not only offer sustainable accommodations but also provide unique and enriching experiences that help you connect with nature. Plan your eco-friendly getaway to Chikmagalur and embrace sustainability while enjoying the beauty of this stunning region.